Content Marketing
Web Content
Your voice. Your message
We strive to create content that will resonate with your target customer by conveying your voice and your message. We will create a message that targets your most profitable products.
Original Content for Manufacturing Firms
We develop original content for the following manufacturing sectors: Automation, machine builders, fabrication, machining, tool builders, material handling, engineering services, transportation, logistics, and construction.
Marketing content for:
- New website
- New products
- Production capabilities
- Existing market segments
- Product and service differentiation
- Industries served
Search engines and Social Media
We use + microdata in our content so search engines automatically build rich snippets.
Google AdWords
In conjunction with a new website launch, we can develop Google AdWords content for your products and services. We can also monitor advertising, and report the results back to you.
Social Media Content
We offer social media content development and monitoring services for firms with business-to-consumer products or services.